Beginning Rally
This class introduces you and your dog to the fun sport of Rally! Novice level Rally exercises are introduced in this class. For more information regarding AKC Rally click here.
- Prerequisite: Manners 1 or equivalent
- Dog must be current on all vaccinations
- Trainer must be at least 16 years of age (well-behaved children are welcome to come watch if you bring a chair for them)
- Collar & Leash – Your dog should have a properly fitting collar. Leashes should be six feet long and made of either leather or nylon.
- Treats – Our classes use food rewards to reinforce correct behaviors. Please bring tasty treats that your dog enjoys. Your dog will be more motivated to work if it comes to class hungry.
- Water – Please bring either a bowl or water dispenser so that your dog can have a drink during breaks.
- Courtesy – Please exercise the “3-foot rule.” Every dog shoud have three feet in front, behind, and on both sides at all times. This is not only basic obedience school courtesy, but it is also important for safety.
- Tuition – $90.00
- Six consecutive weekly one hour classes